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Board Certified Education Advocate

Be Credentialed by a

Professional National Association


Be A More Effective Advocate

just 12 one-day

on demand classes

80 hours of direct instruction

The National Gold Standard 

Proudly Display a BCEATM Designation 

Join Us - Click Here
Your Blueprint

Turn Your Advocacy Passion to Profit 

Monetize Your Knowledge

in just twelve weeks 

Join our community and learn the secrets of Podcasters who are making a living from their channels.

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Take The Fastest Path To Growth
Not just a certificate or training program 




This HOLISTIC approach unlocks YOUR impact

THIS is for YOU !


Dare to Compare !

If you're comparing education advocacy programs, consider this: while others may focus on individual topics like special education laws or IEPs, the program offers a truly holistic professional approach. We delve deeply into a broad range of crucial areas, all with a singular focus on their implications and applications for special education advocacy. This positions you to meet the needs of ANY client competently!


The Kitchen Sink - 

Don't learn only The Back Door of Advocacy: legal/regulatory frameworks, bureaucratic processes, strategic communication & documentation.

We will ALSO provide you with expert information on The Front Door of Advocacy - IEP Development Expertise: Evaluations (cognitive, academic, and clinical-related service), IEP development processes, research-based interventions and programming with their justification, behavior management, disability case management, multi-systems advocacy, transition planning, ESY, closing the educational gap, current best practices on creating measurable independent, generalized outcomes with a needs & competency-based child focus.

All in one comprehensive program.

You'd need to take multiple programs to cover this breadth of material.


More Than Theory & Regulations!

What sets us apart is our strong emphasis on a practical child- application. Across all 12 courses, you'll engage with real-world case studies, develop advocacy strategies, and gain hands-on experience navigating complex systems.

This means you won't just learn the theory; you'll acquire the essential skills to be an effective advocate from day one.

Choose the program for unmatched thoroughness and practicality, ensuring you're fully prepared to make a significant professional impact with your business in this rapidly growing special education advocacy field.


Easy Peasy 

We even provide ithe notes for you!  

60 seminars condensed into 12 days 

A slew of bonuses that create your resource library!

You are set up for business day one, after you get your BCEA.

Join Us

 Become a BCEA Today 

  • Bring your vision to life
  • Take credit for your experiential learning. 
  • Give yourself flexibility and an increased income.
  • Be celebrated for your talents
  • Join a rapidly expanding industry
  • Learn from a field tested program by experts
  • Join the highly qualified and fly above the rest

Be an IEP Development Expert

  • Live authentically
  • Learn current research-based best-practices 
  • Learn educational gap reduction remediation advocacy
    • Independent generalized outcomes
    • Commensurate with a student's ability
  • A multisystem based approach (back and front room systems)
  • Learn to repair deficits at ALL skill levels (ID to Gifted)
  • Learn effective critical new skills to improve your outcomes


Develop NEW skills so to create HIGH IMPACT 


Join Us
Embrace Advocacy as your calling !

What is Your Education Advocacy Potential ?

Elevate your impact through a uniquely integrated multi-system cross-training approach

If you WIN we WIN


  • Be undervalued as a Teacher, Parent or, Advocate
  • Be overworked & overwhelmed by lack of progress
  • Let burnout steal your joy
  • Be frustrated by incompetence 
  • Be a tamped-down version of yourself and gifts
  • Struggle defining yourself 
  • Not make money doing what you are called to do


Step into a place where you are celebrated not tolerated.

Realize you dreams

Overcome your fear

Make your own hours 

Create free time for you and your family

Be paid appropriately for your expertise

Be empowered from abundance and authority


Unlock and empower your career potential with immediate impact and legacy

Heightened professional credibility

Join a rapidly growing and valued industry

Move beyond cookie cutter,  IEPs, implemented without fidelity and that don't close the educational gap 

Choose a path aligned with your aspirations



Discovering a better way

Amplify your talents and gifts 

Learn beyond  basics by following our proven blueprint 

Predict and prevent lack of access to education

Use proven research-based effective and individualized strategies 

Facilitate parentally informed consent and decision-making


National Board Certification

Be recognized as an IEP Development Expert 

Be known for creating IEPs with outcomes that are functional, independent, and generalized

Close the educational gap!

Join a community of like-minded professionals.


You are a 


and NOW the

 “GO-TO” IEP Expert


Flexible Work Hours

Higher income. 

Enjoy freedom 


Special Education Advocacy is a stand-alone profession.

We all come from other careers to join in one purpose.

That is why NSEAI is YOUR professional association, and our primary objective is to ensure your success.




 The NSEAI blueprint will define your role as a PROFESSIONAL. 

 We highlight the profound impact of your work.

Advocacy is more than a job; it's a passion & a purpose.


Teacher: “My step to a new career using my existing expertise.”

Lay Advocate: “My step to a new paying professional career.”

Professional Advocate: “I can’t hire enough qualified people to keep up with the business”

Service agency: “Our way to differentiate the staff’s expertise and improve outcome data.”

SE Director: “My transition to a retirement plan”

Clinician: “Significant improvement in my related service plans”

BCBA“Improved acceptance of my recommendations and client satisfaction”

Parent: “My IEP development and compliance education gives authority to my voice so it can be heard”



Join Us

"You Changed My Life And My Children's Lives..."

"No other program compares."
"I have taken them all."

"This is beyond just another training.

NSEAI predicted every struggle I might face and addressed it

It revolutionized my approach to my advocacy business."

"I did not know what I did not know."

"You can't google even half of this!"

Professional Advocate

Position Your Self

As The Authority!


"I was tired of feeling stuck as a teacher.
These classes unlocked my ambition and elevated my advocacy with strategic conflict resolution and purpose-driven direction.
Finally, I gained the tools and clarity to make a real difference for my clients and build a thriving practice."
"I was ready to take my advocacy to the next level.
From a parent buddy > to  IEP consultant >
I scaled my advocacy and brand with conscious, professional leadership, building a significant business legacy.
No more legal gotcha advocacy."
"I now command higher fees and I've created a lasting impact.
Lawyers now call me for advice on IEP development.
I became the go-to expert.
Special Education Directors thank me for being in meetings!"
"Just imagine the impact of being in the top 1% of all advocates.
I joined NSEAI and experienced radical clarity and purpose, doubled my staff, and now meet the highest professional standards."

It's time to achieve the success you deserve.

24/7 On-Demand

Comprehensive and Flexible System

Make it easy for yourself.




Special Education Advocates

on outcome-driven "SKILLS”


Your right!  It's not just another training!


Choose your preferred method of learning

(in your pajamas, in your car, or on the beach)
Your Blueprint - Click Here



All The Essentials: We've distilled extensive material into what you truly need, cutting your learning time dramatically.

12 One-Day Classes: Get all the knowledge from over 60 programs in just 12 days.

Easy to Digest: The program is broken into manageable, bite-sized chunks.

24/7 Access: Learn at your pace (15-35 minute segments) available anytime.

Convenience: We've even took the notes for you.

Efficient: A Complete integrated curriculum


A Better Way


Not average


Learn what you need to know!

Learn how to apply it!

Be taught by those who have been and are SUCCESSFULL! 

Create Impact: We know how to share your unique gifts with parents.  

Master SE Advocacy: From Back Door - legal aspects to Front Door -best practices and research-based interventions.

Expert Skills: Develop proficiency in IEP development and related services.

New Outcomes: Transform your advocacy and positively impact countless lives.




Go Outside the Box: If the school closes the front door, we will show you another way in.

Personal Calling: This course will speak to your passion.

True Value: Don’t let your path undervalue your worth.

Clear Blueprint: We provide a roadmap for your impact and legacy.

MONEY BACK Guarantee: You'll never be an average advocate again. (see specifics)

Expansive Growth: Positive outcomes = more clients



This is the year to enhance: 

Your professional standing 

Gain recognition and credibility within the special education advocacy community.


Standardized Psychometrically Evaluated Training: Complete 80 hours of pre-service training with continuing education required only every five years.

Three Levels of Credentialing: No prerequisites required. Credit for degrees or advanced training. Consultant, Diplomate or Fellow. 

Professional Autonomy: Certification is backed by a national professional association, ensuring relevance and adherence to National Board Certification Standards.

Strengthen Your Professional Identity: Join a community dedicated to ethical standards and professional advocacy.

Upgrade Your Credentials: Reflect your advanced expertise.

Specialty Recognition: Boosting your marketability.

Advanced  professional certifications also available in:

  • Autism, Dyslexia, Behavior Management,
  • Executive Functioning, Auditory Processing
  • Inclusion, Low incidence Diagnoses & Social Cognition.

Tangible Proof: Display your Board Certification credential in your office and wear your pin proudly.

Use the Designation: Stand out in your marketing.

John Doe, BCEATM   

Nationally Board Certified Education AdvocateTM

Are you ready to

elevate your career?

Get Nationally Board Certified 

Transform your professional impact today!



 20 Questions

Professional Advocates

Should Ask At IEP Meetings



Hear what Professional Advocates are saying...

"A professional association, dedicated solely to

the special education advocacy field."

NSEAI is conflict of interest free. They elevate our profession and fiercely advocate for our success as advocates.

Unmatched credibility: Two of the staff members have received presidential awards for their groundbreaking committment and contributions to this field. 

Professional Advocate

"I have successfully achieved the business I always wanted because of NSEAI"

I discovered my life's true calling. This transformative experience from being a teacher to an advocate has changed my life forever. I can't find enough qualified advocates to hire.

Parent - Teacher and now a professional BCEA Advocate




Unwavering Commitment to Educational Excellence

At the heart of the NSEAI philosophy is the belief that every student has equal worth, and we presume competence and educatability, regardless of ability, behavior, or background. We reject outdated notions of "othering" and instead approach each student and family with deep empathy, respect, and a genuine commitment to their success.
By fostering true partnerships with parents as the experts on their child's needs, we create child-focused environments where support prevents patronization or paternalistic attitudes from the school. We navigate an advanced IEP path toward independent and functional outcomes, across all areas of educational need, as IEP development experts. We systematically dismantle the silent prejudices that have hindered the student's progress and empower every student to thrive by appropriately accessing their education.
 Our vision extends beyond social justice - it is a passionate pursuit of inclusive excellence, where all students are empowered to reach their potential, commensurate with their abilities, with dignity and equity. Join us in redefining the future of education, where every student is celebrated and empowered to thrive.
Sign Up Now

BCEA Program


ALL 12 Courses


30% DISCOUNT    



(save $1026 from $3420.00)



 Pay as You Go

$285.00 PER CLASS


($3420.00 FOR ALL 12 CLASSES)  

Service Persons & Families

(Military Fire Police & 55+)

ALL 12 Courses





(save $1710 from $3420.00)


You will GET:


  • Case Studies
  • 39 Specialty topic reviews
  • Templates
  • Checklists
  • Assessment criteria
  • Report development tools
  • Links 
  • A professional reference library at your fingers
  • Free access to the NSEAI library of 1000+ hard-to-find books, programs, and references 
  •  One year of access to all materials online and all are downloadable.

These are not developed by parent IEP consultants or lay advocates.

They are developed by professional advocates with clinical,  educational, & legal backgrounds

with proven success records as






A Successful Professional Advocate Needs

Elevate Your Credibility with NSEAI Board Certification

Professional development trainings are common, but an NSEAI Board Certification sets you apart. As the only association in this field with an enforceable Practice Act, our certification provides unparalleled credibility. Become a recognized IEP Development Expert and demonstrate your commitment to the highest standards in the industry

You Get:

270 Videos

80 hours of Direct Instruction

(118 hours of indirect instruction)

Praxis and case minimums / at 3 Levels

13 exams online

20 hours for a field project

12 manuals 

95 bonus handouts

(we created your advocacy library for you)

Anyone can be certified

3 levels of expertise!

Consultant - Diplomate - Fellow

Get your professional tool box now - Click here