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5 Myths Demystified for AAC and SGD aac cognitive development communication language deficit literacy literacy development non verbal non-verbal communication sgd social communication Dec 15, 2023

Sometimes Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Speech Generating Devices (SGDs) are held back from children even though communication is essential if one is to be able to maximize function and learning within a society.  Speech being the accepted primary means of...

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Nonverbal Verbals non-verbal communication social cognition social communication social skills Aug 21, 2022



Studies tell us that 55% of communication is nonverbal (Albert Mehrabian, 1967).

If that seems a little extreme to you, it is probably because we take so much of that type of communication for granted. Most of us recognize when someone is upset or excited. There may be nonverbal...

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Now What!? pragmatic language pragmatics semantics social communication Aug 14, 2022

Now What? Seems to be a constant state-of-affairs for those who have pragmatic language issues. It is very easy to confuse different language demands for different listeners or situations. Who teaches all those rules for conversations and how do you know the joke is funny?

Today we are looking at...

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