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The Role of Speech & Language Pathologists in ACC/SGD Implementation accommodations assessments assistive technology cognitive development communication data collection educational equity fluency functional communication functional outcomes social skills speech generating device training Dec 15, 2023

Welcome back to our blog series on Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) and Speech Generating Devices (SGDs). Now that we have debunked the common myths surrounding AAC/SGDs, let's move on to understanding the roles and responsibilities of speech and language pathologists (SLPs).


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Nonverbal Verbals non-verbal communication social cognition social communication social skills Aug 21, 2022



Studies tell us that 55% of communication is nonverbal (Albert Mehrabian, 1967).

If that seems a little extreme to you, it is probably because we take so much of that type of communication for granted. Most of us recognize when someone is upset or excited. There may be nonverbal...

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Holy Moly, You Didn't Tell Me!!! be on task finish on time following directions hidden curriculum how to get help social skills Jul 16, 2022

Hidden Curriculum

For a teen, there is nothing worse than violating a social rule that everybody else knows and therefore becoming the butt of jokes and ridicule. Recovery, at least at that moment, for the teen seems impossible and the teen is sure that  everybody is going to hate them.


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Social Cognition social awareness social cognition social competence social skills social sprocessing Jul 10, 2022

Functional social competence is the effective and fluent use of social awareness, social processing, social skills, and social cognition to interpret and analyze social environments and use social behavior to achieve one’s individual and group goals. This is done through the flexible use of...

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Here's Looking at You!! executive function eye contact joint attention listening social cognition social skills tom theory of mind Jun 24, 2022

This Dad and his child are engaged in what we call joint attention. I will grant you it is pretty early on but the skill does tend to emerge between 6-14 months. It is also another one of those skills we take for granted because most of us have never heard of it before and we do not know what it...

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Processing Social Information social cognition social competence social skills Jun 18, 2022


Anyone know why a person with a PhD is working at a fast-food place? If you think it is because they may not have very good social skills, you have maybe 20% of the answer. Actually, they may have some very reasonable social skills; however, like most topics connected to learning, the...

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